Designer White Corian Sinks

Designer White Corian Sinks

The most popular Corian® surface color is now available for sinks! Talk to us about how you can seamlessly combine a Corian® Designer White surface with a matching sink. Enhance your kitchen and bathrooms with this desirable crisp, cool, white color...


With CorianPowerUP any part of your home that integrates a solid surface can power up with a Corian® Charging Surface. Kitchen countertops, breakfast nooks, bathroom counters, dining areas and more – wireless charging keeps your home, and your smart devices, at full...

Progress in Healthcare Design By dupont

We are excited to share a new DuPont™ Corian® commercial that will begin to air nationally in North America.  This 60 second advertisement highlights the benefits of Corian® in a healthcare facility to not only protect from the spread of infectious disease but also...